Monday, April 11, 2011

April's Tip of the Month~Where's the Book?

Finding a spot for the guest book can be tricky. It doesn't necessarily need a 6 foot table all to itself, and it might get lost amongst all the awesome gifts on the gift where should this extremely important little book go? Solution: a cocktail table! It can be put in a prominent, high-traffic location, and it's the perfect height for your guests, so they don't strain their backs trying to bend over a regular table while leaving their Best Wishes for you! Also, if I notice that many guests aren't frequenting the guest book table, I'll have the band or DJ announce its location at an appropriate time, and that usually does the trick! I would HATE for a bride to flip through a half-empty book post-wedding! Not up in here!! ;-)

Stay tuned for more tips for your special Celebration!

Happy Planning!


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