Saturday, September 26, 2009

Emergency Kit Extras

I often have brides ask what they need to have on hand on their big day, you know, "just in case". Emergency kits are a great idea (especially if you don't have a wedding planner who should have just about anything you need in a pinch), but here are a few things to add to your bag of bobbie pins, safety pins, lip gloss, and breath mints.

  • Deodorant--nerves will make you sweat, and it's increased if you have a heavy dress

  • Straws--keep hydrated without messing up your perfectly painted lips

  • Bug Wipes--if any part of your wedding is outdoors, these are great to have on hand

  • Needle and Thread--safety pins are great, but sometimes you need more than that, so it's a good idea to have thread to match the wedding party's attire

  • Snacks and Water--toss a few granola or power bars in your bag in case someone's blood sugar drops, and always have a few bottles of water on hand

  • Oil Blotters--a great alternative to powder to remove excess facial oil so your photos look perfect all day long

  • Blister Bandages--these are amazing and a must have for shoes you're not used to

  • Vendor Contact List--so important to have in a pinch, especially if you don't have a wedding planner (and PLEASE consider hiring a day-of planner, if nothing else, so you don't have to worry about your vendors on your BIG day)

I hope this helps, and best wishes to all the happy "nearlyweds" out there from Melissa and Charleston Celebrations!