Wednesday, May 16, 2012

It's All in the Details!

This past weekend was full of weddings! Our two brides had some really cute details incorporated into their wedding that really made it their own.

Heather and Beau got married Friday evening at Founder's Hall with a movie-themed wedding. Their fun detail was a game for the guests to play to find their seats. Placed at each table was a movie title, and on the name cards for guests, were quotes from one of the movies. There were two quotes per movie so everyone at the table didn't have the same. It was a little difficult for guests who hadn't seen their movie, but luckily we had a cheat sheet!! Going along with the movie theme, we wrapped one of the three cylinders in each centerpiece with real movie film, and they gave out popcorn for favors! What a fun wedding this was!

The wedding on Saturday was at the Lighthouse on the Creek, and Marc and Sarah had a lovely Charleston-themed reception. For their table names, we found post cards representing historical Charleston landmarks like Rainbow Row, Middleton Place, and the Morris Island Lighthouse. They also had a single barstool on the patio. On the barstool was a sign "Ed's Chair" for Marc's father. There were strict instructions that it was only for Ed, and it was to stay on the patio, because they knew that Ed would want to be outside by the view of the creek, taking in the sweet Charleston air.

Remember to add your own personal touches to make it YOUR celebration!

Happy Planning!

~The Charleston Celebrations Team